MovieCaptioner - Closed Captioning Software for Mac and Windows by Synchrimedia
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Buy MovieCaptioner

Video captioning and transcription software
Single user, Multi-user, and Site Licenses credit cards excepted: visa, mastercard, american express, diner's club, bank, and paypal

This purchase form uses FastSpring to handle the sale. Upon completion of the purchase, you will receive an a link to download the final version of MovieCaptioner, as well as the username and activation code to unlock the final version. You will also receive an email with this same information. Please keep it for your records. Please remove the Demo version of MovieCaptioner from your hard drive before installing the final version so it does not launch when opening previous projects.

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There is a free 14-day, fully-functional Demo Version that you can try before you buy.

No subscription. Nothing more to buy!

For the cost of sending out one 17-minute video to a captioning service (at $3/hour typical charge per minute), you can own MovieCaptioner and caption all of your videos with nothing more to buy ever!

License Package Price Platform Versions
Single User License
Includes free upgrades!
$49.99 US Mac Version
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Windows Version
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Unlimited Site License
Includes free upgrades!
$1599.99 US Mac Version
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Windows Version
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